HTX to List HTX DAO ($HTX) and Support Conversion from $HT to $HTX

Dear HTX Users,

HTX is excited to list HTX DAO ($HTX) and support the conversion from $HT to $HTX!

HTX DAO is an open and transparent decentralized autonomous organization with the governance token of the HTX token, i.e., $HTX. As an appreciation for your years of support and contributions, HTX DAO is offering a certain token allocation for HT holders who voluntarily choose to exchange their $HT for $HTX.

Starting on January 22, 2024, at 08:00 (UTC), the service of converting $HT to $HTX will be available. More assets and earlier conversion will reward you with a more favorable conversion rate. Please stay tuned!


I. Conversion from $HT to $HTX

Eligibility: $HT holders who voluntarily choose to convert

Conversion period:

The service of converting $HT to $HTX will be available starting on January 22, 2024, at 08:00 (UTC). $HT holders can log in to their HTX accounts and exchange $HT for $HTX with a simple click of Confirm to Convert on the conversion page. The conversion service is available between January 22, 2024, 08:00 (UTC) and January 20, 2025, 08:00 (UTC). Please note that the service will cease after January 20, 2025, 08:00 (UTC).

How to convert:

1. For app users: The conversion feature is accessible on the homepage, the Assets page. On the conversion page, enter your desired amount of $HT to be converted in the upper field. Then, the corresponding amount of $HTX you can receive will be displayed in the lower field. Tap Confirm to Convert to start a conversion and tap Claim when your $HTX is available to get your $HTX credited to your Spot account.

2. For PC users: The conversion feature is accessible on the homepage's navigation bar - Activity, the Assets page. On the conversion page, enter your desired amount of $HT to be converted in the upper field. Then, the corresponding amount of $HTX you can receive will be displayed in the lower field. Click Confirm to Convert to start a conversion and click Claim when your $HTX are available to get your $HTX credited to your Spot account.

3. HTX tokens received from conversion are divided into two parts: Unlocked and To Be Unlocked. You can choose one of the following two task types and complete tasks as required to release the HTX tokens in the To Be Unlocked section:

  1. Rockets & Trades Task: With this task type, you need to complete both Rocket and trading tasks daily.
  2. Rockets Task: With this task type, you only need to complete the Rocket task daily. No trading tasks are required.
  3. You have one task switch chance per day, with a total of 5 switches available. Upon switching, the new task type will take effect on the following day (Day T+1).


II. Benefits by Holding $HTX Converted from $HT

The benefits of holding $HT will be migrated to $HTX on February 2, 2024, at 14:00:00 (UTC). The details are as follows:


1. Removing "Reduce spot/futures fees with HT Deduction" and introducing "Reduce spot/futures fees with HTX Deduction"

1) Removal of "Reduce spot/futures fees with HT Deduction": The benefits of offsetting spot and futures trading fees with $HT will be ceased starting on January 22, 2024, at 05:00:00 (UTC).

2) Introduction of "Reduce fees with HTX Deduction": Starting from February 2, 2024, at 14:00:00 (UTC), users holding $HTX will be able to enjoy the following benefits when the fee discount options are chosen in My Fee Rates: a 25% discount on spot trading fees, a 5% discount on futures trading fees, and deduction of margin loan interest with $HTX.

If you are a Prime 3 user, your spot trading fee rate is set at 0.1% for both Maker and Taker orders. By enabling the "Reduce spot fees with HTX Deduction" feature, you will enjoy the discounted fee rate of 0.075% for both Maker and Taker orders.

To use or learn more about $HTX deduction features, you can scroll down your profile and find My Fee Rates.The $HTX deduction features are enabled by default for users who have already turned on the related features for $HT before this change.


2. Prime membership level boosted by holding $HTX, instead of $HT

Assets are a key catalyst to boost your Prime membership level. Your $HTX assets (converted to USDT at the closing price of the day and multiplied by 1.5) will be counted towards your yesterday's total assets, which facilitates your Prime advancement.

The Prime membership level-up through holding $HT will be discontinued on January 22, 2024. The level-up through holding $HTX will take effect on February 3, 2024, at 00:00:00 (UTC).

For users holding $HT, your Prime membership level-up between January 21, 2024, at 16:00:00 (UTC) and February 1, 2024, at 16:00:00 (UTC) will subject to the USDT value of $HT assets (calculated at the closing price when $HT spot trading is ceased) * 1.5.


3. Rockets multiplied by $HTX, instead of $HT

Instead, Rockets will be boosted by holding $HTX, effective on February 3, 2024 at 00:00:00 (UTC). Users holding $HTX will enjoy the benefit of $HTX asset value multiplied by 3 in USDT towards the calculation of Rockets.

For users holding $HT, your Rockets between January 21, 2024, at 16:00:00 (UTC) and February 1, 2024, at 16:00:00 (UTC) will be calculated by the formula of the USDT value of $HT assets (calculated at the closing price when $HT spot trading is ceased) * 3.

Starting on February 2, 2024, at 16:00:00 (UTC), $HT assets will no longer be counted toward the calculation of Rockets.

Learn more about rules of Rockets


4. Removing "Convert small balances to HT" and introducing "Convert small balances to HTX"

The feature of "Convert small balances to HT" will be discontinued on January 22, 2024, at 05:00:00 (UTC).

The new feature of "Converting small balances to HTX" will be launched on February 2, 2024, at 14:00:00 (UTC).


5. Auto-transfer of $HT assets

Your $HT assets from all products and services on our platform will be automatically transferred to your Spot account starting on January 22, 2024, at 05:00:00 (UTC).


III. Schedules of Services for $HT

1. On January 20, 2024 at 06:00 (UTC), the interest rate for the HT Flexible product on HTX Earn will be adjusted to zero. This means the product will no longer generate yields after the adjustment.

2. On January 22, 2024 at 04:00 (UTC), HT will be officially removed from HTX Earn. No new subscriptions will be available.

Prior to the removal, any unredeemed principal and earnings will be held in your Earn account.

After the removal, your principal and earnings will be automatically redeemed and credited to your Spot account.

3. On January 22, 2024 at 05:00 (UTC), HT will be removed from Quick Trade and P2P Trade.

4. On January 22, 2024 at 05:00 (UTC), HT spot trading will be ceased, and the following trading pairs will be removed: XRP/HT, BCH/HT, LTC/HT, ETC/HT, HT/USDT, HT/ETH, and HT/USDD.



1. Please cancel your orders involving HT pairs if you have any.

2. Any open order will be automatically canceled after the removal of the affected trading pairs, and related assets will be credited to your Spot account.

3. If you are unable to see your balances for these tokens, please uncheck the “Hide small balances” option in your Spot account under Assets.


IV. Schedules of Listing $HTX

$HT holders are kindly requested to pay attention to the following timetable and stay informed about future announcements on the platform:

1. On January 20, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC), the deposit service for $HTX will be available.

2. Starting on January 22, 2024, at 08:00 (UTC), the service of converting $HT to $HTX will be available. $HT holders can log in to their HTX accounts and exchange $HT for $HTX with a simple click of Confirm to Convert on the conversion page.

3. On February 2, 2024, at 05:00 (UTC), the P2P trading service for $HTX will be available.

4. On February 2, 2024, at 05:00 (UTC), the Earn products for $HTX will be available for subscriptions. The $HTX Flexible product is launched on February 2, 2024, at 05:00 (UTC), with a 15% APY. Please stay tuned for more Earn products for $HTX through our future announcements.

5. On February 2, 2024, at 05:00 (UTC), $HTX will be listed for spot trading.

6. On February 3, 2024, at 05:00 (UTC), the withdrawal service for $HTX will be available.


V. About HTX DAO and $HTX

HTX Unveils Strategic Partnership with HTX DAO

HTX DAO's Official Website:

HTX DAO Support:

HTX DAO Business:



• Users who are found to be involved in any fraudulent behaviors, including but not limited to bulk accounts and money laundering, will be disqualified. HTX reserves the right to freeze cheating accounts and to cancel any gains associated with such accounts.

• HTX reserves the right to modify, change, or cancel this announcement on the conversion rules at any time for any reason without prior notice. HTX also reserves the final interpretation of the conversion rules. The information provided above is for reference only, and HTX makes no recommendations or guarantees regarding any virtual asset, product, or promotion on HTX.


HTX Team

January 20, 2024




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HTX reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend or change or cancel this announcement at any time and for any reasons without prior notice. The above is for information purposes only and HTX makes no recommendations or guarantees in respect of any virtual asset, product, or promotion on HTX. Prices of virtual assets are highly volatile and trading virtual assets involves risk. Please read our Risk Reminder text here.